With healthcare workforce shortages gripping rural America, the San Luis Valley is showing us how partnerships grounded in vision, strategy, and a commitment to true collaboration can create opportunities for learners and build stronger communities. 

The Attainment Network is leading a coalition of local employers, higher education institutions, community organizations, and school districts that are laying a foundation for both a stronger healthcare system and a brighter future for learners.


Providing leadership, strategic direction, project management, and financial resources, The Attainment Network is building the community’s capacity and making real progress toward our shared goals: 


We are 47% of the way toward our goal to train 70 new Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) and 50% complete with our goal to train 60 new Medical Assistants (MS).


We are 49% done with our goal to engage 78 learners in paid healthcare internships.


We are 28% of the way to our goal to upskill 50 earners. 

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One of the best things with working with The Attainment Network is — even with all the challenges and barriers — they just maintain this really great positive attitude of, we are going to get there. It’s really been nice to have this constant direction where can we get the yeses, and how can we make things happen. 

Brittany Sours

Professional Development and Practice Specialist at San Luis Valley Health
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