By collaborating with K-12 education, higher education, policy, industry and nonprofits, The Attainment Network shapes education-to-career systems that empower learners and earners, meet workforce demands, and help entire communities thrive.
Expanding equitable opportunities for learners and strengthening the community.
Opening doors to meaningful careers for young parents.
Driving collaboration needed to expand opportunities for every learner.
Creating opportunities for learners and meeting critical local workforce needs.
A dynamic forum bringing learners and earners together with leaders in policy, industry and education.
Mini-grants supporting initiatives that amplify the voices of learners and earners in shaping education-to-workforce systems.
We elevate learner and earner perspectives into policy discussions, including the 1215 Task Force, ensuring recommendations are responsive to real needs of communities.
Inclusive apprenticeships are more than just a commitment to diversity; they are a proven way to drive organizational excellence and community impact. By designing programs that welcome talent from all backgrounds, employers can build robust teams equipped to meet future challenges.
The Attainment Network can guide you through every step of this journey, from self-assessment to implementation. Invest in a strategy that aligns with your company’s values and long-term goals. Explore our support tools and contact us to begin building your capacity to design or enhance an apprenticeship program that generates opportunities for diverse learners while strengthening your organization.
Across the United States, law enforcement agencies are struggling to recruit and hire the next generation of public safety professionals. Jefferson County is taking the bold approach of growing its own workforce.
Jeffco Public Schools partnered with The Attainment Network to design pathways for learners to acquire the skills, knowledge, and real-world experiences they need to pursue fulfilling careers in public safety.
Elevating and scaling best practices.
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